Brighten the World at your corner
Light Up a Corner
The "Light Up a Corner'' movement is
for each of us to strive
to make this world a little brighter.
Recommendations for joining the Enjo Branch of the “Light Up a Corner Movement”
Enjoji Temple's Daibagu Shrine is promoting the "Light Up a Corner Movement". "Light Up a Corner" means doing small good things in our daily lives, such as being kind to others and getting along with others. Also, when you do any job, you're not just doing it for money, you're also doing it for some good purpose. Would you like to join us in "Lighting Up a Corner"? I believe that if we can make many friends, we will be able to create a new and better world. Currently, Enjoji Temple is recruiting members for the Enjo Branch of the Movement to Light Up a Corner. Members will receive information on events and other news at Enjoji Temple by mail. Please donate 1,000 yen per year for postage and other expenses. Those who are interested in Enjo-ji Temple and events centered around Enjo-ji Temple, and those who would like to cooperate, are also welcome to join. Members do not need to be members of Enjoji temple.
“Movement to Light Up a corner” Enjo branch main purpose.
1. All members strive to encourage and cooperate with each other in their daily lives for the sake of each other's happiness and peace of mind. |
2. Each member shall respect the spirits of their ancestors and live their lives with deep reverence for the gods and Buddha, in order to make the present society as bright and easy to live in as possible, and to make the society of future descendants even better. |
3. For this purpose, each member will take opportunities to actively deepen mutual friendships and actively participate in the events of the association. |
We are currently recruiting members.
To apply for membership in the Enjoji Branch of the Movement to Light Up a Corner, write your name, address, phone number, and the fact that you are applying for membership in the Enjoji Branch of the Movement to Light Up a Corner on a suitable form, attach the membership fee, and submit it to Enjoji or the general representative.
Reference: Tendai Sect “Light Up a corner Movement” website
There is a debate as to whether it is 「照于一隅」or「照千一隅」. There is a consensus view that「照于一隅」is read as ``Light Up a Corner.''